Important Information
Poster Session @ Gather
The poster sessions of the 15ENQF will take place at the Gather platform ( The posters will be displayed in 4 rooms. The platform will be accessible during the full conference and the posters will be exhibited during the whole conference.
To login, you must register in the system with the same email used for the 15ENQF registration and follow these steps (also watch the video):
1) Use the link indicated in the “Scientific Program”, at your meeting “Personal Area”.
2) Login using your email and use the access key that will be sent to your email.
3) Set your username and, if you want, edit the “look” of your avatar.
4) Once at the 15ENQF environment (see image below), move your avatar around using the arrow keys of the keyboard. Use the scroll wheel of your mouse to zoom in and out of the environment.
5) Search for the poster you want to see and move your avatar to it. To look at the poster press the keyboard key “X”, and to exit this view press “X” again”.
6) To interact with another person, place your avatar near the avatar of the other participant. A connection between the two will be made immediately. Similarly, all avatars in the same poster area will be in contact.

Oral Communication @ Zoom
All oral communications will take place via ZOOM, in two separate rooms. Room 2 will only be used during the parallel sessions. The links to access a session will be available in the book of abstracts and in the conference program included your "conference personal area" (see snapshots below).